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Home > General Tech Info > Safe Schools Login Instructions
Safe Schools Login Instructions
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Safe Schools Login Instructions


Go to and click on the circle at the top right (please see below marked with a purple box) and click on "Add another account." 




Enter your district email address and click next.





Enter your password (the same password you use to access your district email) and click "Next"





After logging into your district Google account, return to the Safe Schools website (accessed via the Safe Schools link on the district website - it will be the 5th button on the left when you follow the link). You will then be prompted to select a Google account. Select your district Google account. 



If following the above directions does not allow you to access Safe Schools, please submit a ticket to IT (via Happy Fox - to have them reset your Google password. However, if this is necessary, please ensure you specify that you only need your Google password reset. They will send a link to your district email account for you to reset your Google password. 

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